Termite Control

Have you ever come home to find small piles of wood dust accumulated under your sofa? This is surely a cause of termite infestation. Once they invade your home and start feeding on the foundation of your house or your expensive furniture it becomes really difficult to get rid of them, especially because of their minuscule size. Carrying out frequent inspections in your house to check for the presence of termites and other pests can save you from a lot of trouble. One of the main reasons why termites are tough to deal with is that they cannot be detected until they have done considerable damage and have set up large colonies. Since thousands of termites live together in these colonies, this makes it really hard to get rid of them without professional help. If you have detected the presence of termites in your home, then you need to take a few termite prevention measures immediately. Here is a list of things you can do to prevent termites from spreading and ensure that the treatment is successful:

  • Get Rid of Moisture:

    Moisture is one of the main reasons that attract all kinds of pests including termites into your home. Getting rid of excess moisture in your home will help in keeping termites at bay. If you live in a humid environment, investing in a dehumidifier can help. In summers, you can switch on the air conditioner periodically during the day to maintain a cool temperature in the house and remove excess moisture from the air indoors.

  • Fix Leaks:

    Pay attention to any leaks or decay in your house. Decayed roofs and moisture-laden walls work as perfect hosts for termites. Fix and seal the leakages promptly and carry out frequent inspections especially in basements or dingy corners of your house. These spots usually get overlooked and are the first ones to attract pests. A leakage in the basement can be especially inviting since it is closer to the ground and makes it easier for termites to attack the spot.

  • Declutter Your House:

    Whether you have hired professionals for a termite or bed bug treatment, it is important to carry out a decluttering drive in your house. Pay special attention to useless papers, cardboards, old magazines and newspapers since these provide a great environment for pests like termites to thrive. If one of your rooms has been attacked by termites, make sure to never take the stuff including furniture stored in that room to other parts of your house that are not affected by the termites.

  • Maintain a Distance Between Soil and Wood:

    If you have a garden, ensure that there is some distance between the soil and wood. Most experts believe that at least an eighteen-inch distance is important. This will help discourage any attack from termites on the foundation of your home and the furniture. You can use stones or cement to separate soil from the wooden area especially in your patios, gardens, etc. to create a physical barrier for termites.

  • Use Borate on Wood Before Priming or Painting:

    Borate is one of the most popular termite repellents. You can spray borate on wood prior to priming and painting. It soaks into the wood and essentially prevents termites from attacking and nibbling on it. Once this termite spray has dried, you can prime and paint it normally and use it to make window frames, doors, furniture, etc. This borate spray is strong enough to repel termites for decades.

  • Place Infected Items in the Sun:

    If you find that termites are damaging a piece of furniture, place it in direct sunlight for at least three consecutive days. This termite protection strategy can work well in summer since termites cannot stand the heat. By keeping the infected furniture in the sun, the heat will kill the termites and remove moisture from the furniture preventing chances of re-infestation. The smart thing here would be to dust off the furniture thoroughly and use a termite spray on it before bringing it back into the house. You can do the same with the furniture items that may not be affected by termites to make sure that they stay termite-free.

Mosquitoes Control

Camphor is a natural home remedy that is very effective in getting rid of mosquitoes around you. Garlic. Garlic is made up of several properties that help keep mosquitoes away.Coffee grounds.Lavender oil.Mint.

  • Neem Oil:

    It is an rganic mosquito repellent that helps keep mosquitos away.
  • More flowers:

    planting more flowery plants like marigold, rosemary, lemon balm and catnip repel mosquitos and also make the air fresh.

Bed Bugs Control

Once bed bugs have fallen on your home, they can be difficult to remove due to their nocturnal habit, little size, and zippy nature. They may enter your home undetected on luggage, clothing, furniture, and other items. Their flattened substances make it possible for them to suit in small spaces. Because bed bugs conserve humans as an inviter, their availability isn’t essentially a sign of unsanitary conditions. These engaged pests are about 3/8" long and are visible to the naked eye. Surprisingly, they can go without meat for as long as a year. After getting their complete blood, the females will retain eggs in batches of up to 200 at a time. Care Pest Provides Bed Bug Control & Removal Service: Bed bugs are tormenting household pests. They’re pilfered, difficult to find, and can pose brawny health risks for you and your family. Forearmed with pest control capabilities backed by science, over 100 years of experience, and state-of-the-artistry tools and products, Spring Pest Control is well-equipped to evaluate your bed bug problem and mount a skillful response to get rid of your home of the pest and provide maximal protection

Houseflies Control

Herbs and flowers. Herbs and flowers can be planted both in your garden and outside to keep flies away from your house.Vinegar and dish soap. A mixture of vinegar and dish soap can help you trap flies.Cayenne pepper and water.

  • Basil leaves:

    Take bay leaves, cloves, crushed mint and other herbal spices sachets. Keep these sachets around the house to keep the flies away.
  • Herbal sachets:

    Grow basil plants to keep flies away from your house.
  • Flypaper:

    Make DIY flypaper at home using brown sugar and granulated sugar. Dip craft paper in this sugar solution and hang it over to control flies.

Rodents Control

Rodents are an outfit of raid pests that includes mice, rats, and squirrels. These animals can defile food, damage property, and spread disease. The rodents that most often come into the fray with people. The Order Rodentia is comprised of over 2,000 genres. They are subdivided into many families. This family includes several subfamilies and includes sand rats, gerbils, crested rats, and aged creation rats and mice. They are warm-blooded mammals that, like humans, can be put in throughout the world. They have oversized onward teeth for gnawing and check teeth, which are actually accommodated for chewing. It is not worthy to handle any wild rodent. They are furnished with large teeth and are capable of emitting a variety of bacteria, viruses, and diseases through their saliva, feces, and urine. If you place a rodent within a few days in your home, it is best to contact a Spring Pest Control management professional for disposal and identification. The presence of one rodent within an abode could beacon an infestation. Keep all children and pets far away from the rodent. If stymied, the rodent will bite to defend itself

Cockroaches Control

Finding cockroaches in your house or business can be very disgusting work. We know that cockroach infestations can be a common problem for our country's homeowners and business owners. They breed very fast and a small infestation can quickly become a large-scale infestation. It is highly recommended to contact a pest control company with state-licensed Technicians like Spring Pest Control to effectively control a cockroach problem. Cockroaches are a pest and hazardous to public health because they can spread diseases and germs, Pollute sustenance with droppings, Damage things such as fabric and books by masticating, leave a mess and dirty musky scent with their dead bodies, old skins, and droppings.

  • Care pest Provides:

    Softened treatments in cleft and crack on the inward of the form and around the external perimeter Continuously support to control and eliminate roach demography of cockroaches.

  • Firstly to prevent infestations from the start, follow these steps:

    • Wipe down kitchen surfaces consistently
    • Clean out cabinets
    • Seal or patch cracks
    • Store food in airtight containers

Ants Control

Ants are the hardest to house sitters to dispel. They possess manifest behaviors and this is how each species can cause different damages. The most common type in Bangladesh is the black house ant, which may be a nuisance once its population becomes out of control. Ants and carpet ants are especially annoying to house-owners thanks to their pernicious abilities to cause significant damage even with a small number of ants. As all these species have very similar appearances, our specialists in Our Country are specially trained to identify the exact species of concern, greatly helping our subsequent evaluation procedures. The ant problem in our house used to be very annoying. Firstly, we tried to bear with it or to clear them by ourselves. Therefore, the problem did not go away until Aegis came in. They quickly identified that the ants in our house were carpet ants, and recommended immediate treatment because they had already caused quite serious damages in the house. Spring Pest Control already included the red and black ants under cockroach control. If our esteemed clients ask us to carry out exclusive ants control, we will carry out the same with odorless chemical spray. Cockroach Control.

  • Prevention Tips:

    • Seal all the percolation and caves that you can get using silicone sealant.
    • Close cracks around walls, door panels, and windows.
    • Make a bind obstacle. Line your kitchen with adhesive tape, sticky-side up
    • Don't leave food out. Ants are attracted to food so make sure you purify the premises or home every day and keep food stored in places where ants will get it harder to come at.
    • Ant pollen can be used indoors and outdoors to prevent ant trails. The ant dust should be applied to places where ants could enter the home or premises, including doorframes, window sills, and gaps around electrical and water services easily.
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